News from the Wolf Den - Oct. 1, 2013

On September 18, the San Augustine High School Student Council (STUCO) attended the 2013-2014 District 4 Fall Conference in Wills Point, Texas. The purpose of this conference is to allow District 4 schools (approximately 60 in total) classes 1-A through 5-A to come together to exchange ideas and discuss events/programs with which each school has had prior success.

The SAHS STUCO has been very active at both the district and state levels in recent years. We held the office of District President last year and ran for the seat of State President. Our students have also attended numerous leadership workshops over the last several year. Because of our active involvement, SAHS is well known throughout Texas by many of the 1,300 STUCO chapters in the Texas Association of Student Councils. Additionally, SAHS STUCO members are very involved in activities in our school and community and at the state level.

Because of this significant involvement, Rod McLerran, STUCO Advisor, was awarded the honor of "Advisor of the Year" for District 4. Mr. McLerran will represent District 4 along with 18 other District Advisors in April at the State Student Council Convention in Dallas. Congratulations to our Sweepstakes Student Council and their Advisor!

Homecoming is just around the corner and planning is currently underway. Homecoming week is October 14 - 18, with the "grand opening" of the new football/band complex to accompany the Homecoming football game against Shelbyville October 18. Because of the added festivities to celebrate, the Homecoming Parade will be expanded - it will follow its regular route, but will continue on to finish at the new football field instead of ending on the courthouse square. Because of the length of the route, walking the parade route is discouraged. So ... start thinking of a float to enter in the parade! Floats can be sponsored by individuals, businesses, churches, etc. - the more the merrier! Mr. Donny Johnson is the school's parade coordinator - contact him at 936-275-9603 with your questions and with your float plans.

Homecoming weekend is significant to the San Augustine Military Marching Band for another reason - the band travels to Longview Saturday, October 19, for Marching Contest. The band, under the direction of Mr. Craig Haynie and Ms. Brittany Raley, has been hard at work for the last several weeks in preparation not only for our weekly pep rallies and football games, but also for this contest. Starting the week of September 23 and going through the week of October 14, the band will be practicing both Monday and Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30. Good Luck, Band!

Ms. Sharon Cartwright, Counselor, wants to remind everyone that San Augustine High School will be a testing site for the ACT on Saturday, October 26. All seniors who plan to attend college after graduation need to take the test on that day. The deadline for registration is Friday, September 27.

Ms. Cartwright also wants to let everyone know that the PSAT will be given on the high school campus Wednesday, October 16. Parents of sophomores and juniors should have received a letter last week highlighting the benefits their students will gain from taking this test. An additional positive is that the school district will cover the test fee.