San Augustine ISD strives to instill within our students a positive foundation to realize their dreams. Our district promotes a solid educational experience through the implementation and accomplishment of District developed goals. SAISD is committed to a cycle of continuous improvement through reflection, revision, goal-setting, and evaluation. The creation and implementation of a turnaround plan is a component of this improvement cycle.
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) identifies campuses eligible for Turnaround Plans through its academic rating system. A campus that has been rated “Improvement Required” for two or more consecutive years is required to develop and submit a Turnaround Plan to improve student achievement. San Augustine High School has been designated “Improvement Required” for two consecutive years.
The development of a Turnaround Plan is a collaborative effort involving all stakeholders. Suggestions and recommendations from parents, staff and community members are encouraged.
Stakeholders are invited to complete a suggestion survey through the link below:
Turnaround Plan Survey Link