AE(LOCAL) -San Augustine ISD
Building a community of excellence by nurturing talents, inspiring learners, and developing leaders for an ever-changing world.
Board’s Role
1. Ensures creation of a shared vision that promotes improved student outcomes. The Board shall accomplish this by incorporating the community’s vision and values into student outcome goals, Superintendent constraints, and Board constraints.
2. Measures and communicates how well the mission/vision is being accomplished. The Board shall accomplish this by collectively ensuring accountability through monthly monitoring of District performance to ensure progress toward the vision and values and regular communications to the community.
3. Provides guidance and direction for accomplishing the mission/vision. The Board shall accomplish this by creating structure for the District through distinct Board and Superintendent roles and responsibilities, which includes selecting the Superintendent, delegating to the Superintendent the authority and responsibility to implement the Board’s goals within law and the Superintendent constraints, and considering and voting on the Superintendent’s recommendations.
4. Works with the superintendent to lead the District toward the mission/vision. The Board shall accomplish this by behaving in a manner that demonstrates the unity of the Board and the District.
5. Promotes the vision. The Board shall accomplish this by providing advocacy for students, families, staff, and stakeholders. In carrying out the above activities, the Board shall at all times comply with the Education Code and other law, as applicable.
Superintendent’s Role
The Superintendent, as the Board’s sole delegate (excluding the school attorney and internal auditor) for managing district operations, shall be responsible for accomplishing the Board’s student outcome goals within the boundaries provided by the Board and Superintendent constraints and state and federal law. State and federal law require board adoption of policies on a variety of topics. The Board’s adopted policies in the district’s local policy manual constitute compliance with these legal requirements. In accordance with state law, the Superintendent shall be responsible for preparing recommendations for policies to be adopted by the Board, overseeing implementation of adopted policies, and developing appropriate administrative regulations. In recommending policy for Board adoption, the Superintendent shall identify when the Board is required to adopt policy or has statutory decision-making authority that cannot be delegated to the Superintendent. Required board policy addressing administrative issues shall be handled by consent agenda, with the Superintendent informing the Board of substantive changes. Any operational issues not required to be Board adopted shall be addressed in administrative regulations and the Board shall take necessary steps to remove such issues from all policies in the C-G Local Policy series.
Board’s Student Outcome Goals for the Superintendent
The Board's Student Outcome Goals, as aligned with the District vision are:
1. Percentage of students reading and writing at or above grade level for grades 3 through English 11 will increase by 4 percentage points annually between Spring 2017 and Spring 2021.
2.Percentage of students for math who are at or above grade level for grade 3 through Algebra 1 EOC will increase by four percentage points annually between Spring 2017 and Spring 2021.
3. Percentage of students who demonstrate at least one year of academic growth will increase four percentage points annually in reading and math between Spring 2017 and Spring 2021. The Superintendent shall interpret and implement the Board's student outcome goals and, in consultation with the Board, select goal progress measures (GPMs) for each student outcome goal [see AE (exhibit)]. For any school year during which the Board's student outcome goals are not met, the Superintendent shall make reasonable progress toward the student outcome goals.
Board’s Constraints for the Superintendent
In attaining the Board's student outcome goals, the Superintendent shall not allow:
1. Allow the District to undermine the authority and autonomy of individual schools to implement changes designed to improve student outcomes.
2. Adult convenience or preference to take priority over the academic progress of our students.
3. Improvement Required or Formerly Improvement Required campuses to have a principal with fewer than one year of administrative experience.
The Superintendent shall interpret the Superintendent constraints and , in consultation with the Board, select constraint progress measures (CPMs) for each constraint [AE (Exhibit)].
The Superintendent shall interpret the Superintendent constraints and , in consultation with the Board, select constraint progress measures (CPMs) for each constraint [AE (Exhibit)].
Board’s Constraints for the Board
The Board will not allow the Board to:
1. Modify policy AE(Local) more than once a year.
2. Collectively or any Trustee individually to perform or appear to perform any of the roles delegated to the Superintendent.
3. Collectively or any Trustee individually to violate any Board adopted policy, Board operating procedures, or Board policy AE(Local).
Board Self Evaluation
The Board shall conduct formative self-evaluations at least quarterly and, within 45 days prior to conducting the annual Superintendent evaluation, an annual summative evaluation. The Board shall self-evaluate using the TEA Implementation Integrity Instrument.
Superintendent Evaluation
The Board shall annually evaluate the Superintendent based on the District’s achievement of the Board’s student outcome goals and compliance with the Superintendent constraints. Accomplishment of at least 80 percent of the adopted progress measures’ (GPMs and CPMs) annual targets shall be an automatic indicator of success; below that threshold, the Board’s judgment shall be the indicator of success.